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January 1, 2017
Trapped by
Suicide, Infidelity, Jailbait, Step-Mom
Dear Mrs. Web,
I want to break up with my boyfriend. We have a lousy relationship but we have
been together for a long time. I am afraid he will commit suicide if we break
up. What should I do?
A boyfriend is not a forever commitment. Break up with him if you want.
He is responsible for his life and well-being, not you. Let his family members
and friends know he may become suicidal so he can be taken to an emergency
room to be evaluated if needed. Never let someone hold you hostage.
Dear Mrs. Web,
My wife and I have been married for 18 years. Last year I had a one-night
stand with an acquaintance. Big mistake. I told my wife and I thought we had
worked things out. Financial problems caused some additional strains in our
marriage and I emotionally withdrew when she tried to help and support me.
Recently my wife has started to party around with neighbors and comes home at
all hours. Last week I showed up at one of the parties and she was kissing a
buddy. I lost my temper and smashed windows and trashed the room. The bill
came to over $2000.00 plus the emergency room costs for the gashes on my
hands. She cried and apologized. I love her and our three children and I
forgave her. Last night she went out partying again and was obviously focused
on my old buddy. She is in love with someone else...and I know this guy he
will just use her. He has been calling her all week. I don’t want to face up
to the possibility that our marriage is over. What to do?
You were unfaithful to your wife. She is playing around with your buddy.
You lost control and are violent. She is pulling away from you. It sounds like
you both are heartbroken and acting out. You need intensive marriage
counseling. Pronto! With someone who values marriage highly and knows how to
put together a severely tested relationship. See the link on my blue sidebar
at my website: Choosing a Therapist. Couples have come through much worse and
have gone on to have vital, passionate marriages.
Dear Mrs. Web,
My daughter is 23. She has been going through a tough time. A 16-year-old boy
has had a crush on her and I am afraid she will start becoming intimate with
him. They are starting to spend more time together. What should I tell her?
That he will be the age of consent in two years? That you will notify
the boy's parents? That she will look lousy in the prison orange jumpsuits? I
would emphasize the criminal aspect of messing with a minor. Tell her that you
can understand her loneliness and eagerness for a relationship but that there
are plenty of men out there who are not jailbait.
Dear Mrs. Web,
My husband and I have been married now for two years. He has a child from a
previous marriage and who is three. My husband shares custody with his former
wife. I am home now with our new baby and the little boy is now living at our
house over 75% of the time. His mother is dumping him on us. My husband would
like full custody, if he can get it, and he seem to expect that I am going to
baby-sit this boy practically everyday. We don’t have enough time alone with
each other and with our baby. How can I deal with this fairly?
You married a man with a child and responsibilities that go beyond you
and the child you created together. Your husband seems to be trying to create
a family and it seems that your stepson is not welcome. This is the tough part
of step parenting. There is a child here that needs a mom. It is time for you
and your husband to get on the same page about this little guy. My heart goes
out to him. Madam, life is not about being fair, life is about being
responsible, courageous and coping with grace when life provides the